At the end of Christ's sermon in Matthew 5-7, Jesus closes out his words by saying, "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock." Every time I see a building built here in Kabiye land, I think about this passage. The importance of a strong and solid foundation cannot be overstated. On February 17th, the church in Ewede will be laying the foundation for their new church building. They have spent a great deal of energy preparing to lay the foundation by walking and searching for a large number of large rocks. Now that the collection is complete, it is time to lay the foundation and then construct their building. If the foundation is well built, their building should stand for a good many years and be a blessing to their current church family and to many other who will come to know Jesus in the years ahead. Of course, the construction of a building and it's foundation is of minor importance compared to what Jesus is really eluding to in this passage. If the Ewede Christians do not have Christ as the foundation of who they are, then their very lives will crumble around them and the building won't really matter at all. I ask that you please be praying for the church in Ewede. There is a wonderful Christian family there and I ask that you pray for God to help them build their lives on the foundation of Christ. Even as they construct the foundation of their church building on the 17th, let our prayer be that their minds will recall this teaching of Jesus and be committed to having a firm foundation.
Wow..I am a month behind on reading your blog. How did the building go?? It is exciting to me that this church is working on a building. I remember visiting the Ewede group when I was there years ago!
Dave, Keep posting, I love to read your blog!!!
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